Breaking Videogames

For those who can't play a video game without dissecting it

Project maintained by banyaszvonat Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Happy new year. I’ve been making some incremental progress towards decoding fields in the save data. Here are some:

Moreover, I found some sort of skill definition structure in memory. I’m not sure if they always get loaded at the same address, but 0x89ca9ac at runtime holds a pointer to it. The array of structs has 0x11c (284) members, and each struct is 0xAC bytes long. This revealed a few skillIDs not covered in the guide:

With the exception of Slumber and Charm, these are the skills of the DLC guest characters from later games. Since the PS2 version didn’t have them, they weren’t included in the guide.

The structure also contains skill descriptions, which gives away the 2-byte encodings of some symbols and punctuation characters that weren’t included in the last post about it. But that requires some more effort to fully document.

^[1] European version of Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, address in RAM at runtime.


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