For those who can't play a video game without dissecting it
Looks like the text indicating you don’t have enough dots in Research (?) was going to have more jokes:
"Name0" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"You squint at the wiggly markings on the page but can't quite make out what they say. Despite this, something in the back of your mind is thinking they say 'illiterate dumbass'."
"Name1" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"In the World of Darkness, there isn't enough illumination to read this book, at least for you, duncemeister!"
"Name2" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"As you are a product of the American public education system, this tome is beyond your comprehension."
"Name3" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"It seems to be saying something about 'Don't Copy That Floppy!', but you can't possibly be reading it right."
"Name4" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"Wow, you really wish you knew what 'Antidisestablishmentarianism' meant."
"Name5" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"In the game of life, your reading skills are ET for the 2600."
"Name6" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"Vampire might not need glasses, but they DO need 'Hooked on Phonics.'"
"Name7" "You are unsure what benefits can be gained from this tome." //"You've been feeding on too many teenagers, go suck on a librarian and maybe you'll be able to figure this out."
Me too, game, me too.